
Bernadetta Zwierowska

Bernadetta Zwierowska

She began her dance education in the Ballet Studio of Kraków Opera, continued it in Kraków Dance Academy and graduated in 2007. She is the Contemporary Dance Teacher Training graduate. In 2009 she was awarded a Professional Dance Diploma by the Union of the Artists of the Polish Scenes. She danced in many Polish and World’s theatres. She took part in dance events such as “Scena Tańca Współczesnego”, “Dance World Cup”, “Partyrura na Ciało i Ruch”, “Krakowska Noc Teatrów”, “Krakowska Kameralna Scena Baletowa”, “Misteria Paschalia” festival, “Salsa Crystal Festival”, “International Dance Course” in Budapest et al.

She is a participant of many dance workshops organized by excellent dancers and choreographers nationally and abroad. She works on new projects and choreographies.

She is a graduate of AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków in the field of Biomedical Engineering, dancer in Art Dance Company and Kraków Dance Academy ballet groups. Ballet, contemporary dance, jazz and modern-jazz instructor. Dance is not only her passion, it is also her way of expressing herself!



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